Reiki is a Japanese technique founded by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900s which is used for relaxation, stress reduction and aiding healing at all levels.
The technique of Reiki is a very simple yet very powerful practice which can be easily learnt by anyone.
The word “Reiki” comes from two Japanese words: Rei and Ki.
Rei – Spiritual Wisdom/ Universal.
Ki – Vital Energy also known as the life force of life or the universal life force.
The word “Ki” means the same as “Chi” in Chinese, “Prana” in Sanskrit and “Ti” or “Ki” in Hawaiian.
Ki is the vital energy that stimulates all living things. This vital energy plays a very important role in everything we do, as it stimulates the body and is responsible for the optimal functioning and expression of the whole being.
As long as something is alive it has vital energy circulating through and around it. The moment there is death this vital energy leaves and vice versa. If there is a low or restricted flow of energy or any kind of blockages in the body, it creates more vulnerability towards diseases. But when the energy flow is free and in abundance any illness is likely to stay away.
Hence through the technique of Reiki which is practiced by placing the hands over the body of the receiver, making it a channel for the flow of energy into the body.
Reiki acts in depth by going into the roots of the physical, mental and emotional level healing any imbalances present.
Reiki therapy can be received by all Human Beings – Adults, Children, Infants, Sick, Healthy, Pregnant or in Intensive Care, it also includes Animals and Plants. Reiki is also given to Situations, Circumstances, Goals and Non-Living objects.
Reiki is Spiritual by nature, it does not follow any religion or dogma. One does not need to believe in something particular to be able to learn or receive Reiki.
Reiki Courses
All courses include Manual and Certification.
For more information about the Reiki Courses, please Contact Us.
There are thousands of reasons to practice the wonderful technique of Reiki healing, a few mentioned below:
- Reiki is a healing technique which can be learnt and practiced by everyone. Once Reiki is learnt it’s for life, one can restart practicing even if they have had gap of years in their practice. However, the more one practices the more they will open the energy channel for a greater flow of energy.
- Reiki can be practiced anywhere, be a house, open area, field, garden or office area etc. the only thing that is required is the hands.
- Reiki is done for Self (Auto-Reiki) or give to another person.
- Reiki works at all levels of a Human personality:
Physical level – Injuries, Pains, Aches, Ailments or Conditions etc.
Mental and Emotional – Anxiety, Addictions, Disorders (sleep, eating, habits etc.) Imbalanced Emotions.
Spiritual – Harmony with Self and Surrounding, Inner peace.
- Reiki stimulates Self-Healing power. It helps us to grow personally and to expand our Consciousness.
- Reiki is not a substitute for any treatment that the conventional doctor has prescribed but the practice of it aids the treatment. Reiki is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as it enhances the benefits of the treatments and also helps in reducing the side effects of medications.
- Reiki is preventive in nature. It helps to heal but the practice of it helps to keep disorders and diseases away as it eliminates blockages through its energy flow in the body.
- Reiki fills the Body and Mind with positivity and induces a relaxed and calm state.
Reiki Courses
All courses include Manual and Certification.
For more information about the Reiki Courses, please Contact Us.
Reiki as a therapy has been used to bring the patient out from the state of disharmony and pain.
Reiki is a powerful technique yet it is very gentle and in its long history of use as a therapy it has helped to heal many chronic diseases and deep injuries.
Reiki does not interfere in the medication prescribed to the patient but it works in harmony aiding quick healing.
The therapy is given to the patient, allowing them to be supine or prone on a soft or comfortable surface with comfortable clothing. The place is clean with peaceful environment, if feel the need some soft and soothing music can be played, the therapist can also use some aroma in the environment (provided the receiver/patient is comfortable with it). All this helps the patient to relax and enjoy the encounter with Reiki energy.
Each session of Reiki is approximately 45 to 75 minutes but it can also vary according to the needs of each patient.
It is advised to take between 3-5 sessions consecutively followed by making it twice a week and then once a week minimum (depends on the chronic state or ailment of the patient). Reiki is a progressive therapy and the changes are usually felt from the second or third session, although a subtle improvement starts from the first session itself which can be noticed in many cases.
During the session, the Reiki flows in to the body of the receiver and the healing process starts. There is a release of tension and stress from the points where the hands of the therapist are placed and the effect of the pain starts to diminish slowly as the sessions progress.
During the treatment, as the Reiki energy flows, some receivers feel tingling, some feel heat or cold in different parts of the body, this also indicates that area needs more attention.
This process differs from person to person, for some the improvement or disappearance of the ailment is noticed in a few sessions, while others need more time.
Reiki Courses
All courses include Manual and Certification.
For more information about the Reiki Courses, please Contact Us.
– What is Reiki? The origin and history of Reiki. Lineage.
– How Reiki heal. Reiki as a Therapy.
– 5 Principles of Reiki.
– The 3 Levels of Reiki. Benefits of Reiki.
– Self-Reiki.
– Grounding.
– Reiki Treatment to Others.
– Kenyoku (Dry Bath).
– Gassho & Gassho Meditation.
– Joshin Konkyuu Ho (Technique of Breathing).
– Reiji Ho (Prayer and Seeking Intuition Technique).
– Byosen Reikan Ho (Scanning Technique).
– Navel Treatment.
– Detoxification Techniques.
– Group, Chain & Marathon Reiki Treatments.
– Understanding of Chakras: its functions and positions.
– Chakra Balance with Reiki.
– Reiki to Animals and Plants.
– Concept of Aura, Nadis and Prana.
– Complete self-treatment and treatment for others, practice among students.
– Hands positions.
– Reiki Initiation / Attunement Level I.
– Certification.
– Manual.
Reiki Courses
Next Course: 26th March 2022 in Cabarete, Dominican Republic.
For more information about the Reiki Courses, please Contact Us.
– Symbols of Reiki Level II
– The symbols of Reiki: Its energy power and its applications.
– Mantras and Intentions.
– Hatsurei Ho
– Dashu Chiryo Ho / Uchide Chiryo Ho
– Massage Technique
– Technique of Pressing And Applying Reiki Energy with the Fingers
Distance / Absent Reiki. Without limit of time and space.
– Healing Addictions & Bad Habits.
Healing with Breathing
Healing with the Eyes
Technique to Lower the Temperature
– Energetic Cleaning of Environments: Removing Negative Energy from Objects, Surroundings & Home.
– The Reiki Intention Box Technique
– Reiki to Future Technique
– Remote Reiki
– Reiki to the Food and the Medicine.
– Emotional and Physical Healing.
– Reiki for Relationships, Goals, Situations.
– Cleaning and Protecting through Reiki.
– Reiki Attunement Level II.
– Certification.
– Manual.
Reiki Courses
Next Course: 27th March 2022 in Cabarete, Dominican Republic.
For more information about the Reiki Courses, please Contact Us.
– Symbols of the Level III.
– Master Symbol.
– Yang Attunement: Cleansing and Protection of the Chakras.
– Yin Attunement: Purification and Energizing of the Aura through Mudras.
– Cleansing of Objects.
– Healing with Crystals: sending distance Reiki without limit and in a continuous form.
– Reiki Network.
– Reiki and Mandalas.
– Meditation.
– Etheric Healing.
– Hui Yin.
– Reiki Attunement Level III.
– Certification.
– Manual.
Reiki Courses
For more information about the Reiki Courses, please Contact Us.
– Teaching Methodology
– Principles and Elements of Reiki Classes.
– New Reiki Symbols.
– How to Teach Reiki.
– Recap.
– Technique of Protection for Masters.
– Kototama.
– Learn Reiki Attunement techniques: Level I, II, III and Master Level.
– Becoming part of the Dr. Mikao Usui’s Lineage.
– Degree in Reiki: Reiki Attunement Master Level.
– Certification.
– Manual.
Reiki Courses
For more information about the Reiki Courses, please Contact Us.
The Reiki sessions are approximately 60 minutes.
Distance Reiki.
It is advisable to take between 3-5 consecutive sessions followed by twice a week and then once a week at least (it depends on the chronic state or ailment of the recipient).
For more information or make an appointment, please Contact Us.

Address: Cabarete, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.
WhatsApp / Phone: +34 662 07 88 55
Email: [email protected]